Cardwell Cemetery Ltd,
Address: 12235, Rt 114, Penobsquis ,NB E4G2Y1
Operating dates: May1 -Nov 15 th
Burials: No winter burials
Contact Info: Phone: 506-433-5147 (Paul Murray)
Problems: Raising funds, investment interest is non-existent, lot sales are slow
Staffing: mowing is contracted yearly by tender. Small group of volunteers do spring and fall lot
Maintenance: Monument Man is contracted to repair headstones.
Grounds: Grounds are in good shape, need a few headstones realigned/straightened.
Awards & Media: No awards or media attention
Other: like reading the problems and solutions that other rural cemeteries have, appreciate the work that the
Association has done, must make an effort to attend Association meetings.
Dalhousie Riverview
Operating - May 1 - October 31
Contact Information - Ruth Dickie, (506) 684-2667
Seasonal Groundskeeper
Problem - many old trees threatening our very old, delicate monuments in wind storms
Solution - we received grants for 2 consecutive years to hire an arborist to cut down and remove trees. The grants came from the NB Regional Development Corporation - Community Investment Fund, more needs to be done. I recommend applying for grants for cemetery improvements.
Awards/Media - Although we have not received any awards or media attention, we have several notable persons buried at Riverview including war heroes and Members of Parliament. Information about them is provided in a booklet entitled "Stones by the River" compiled by William Clarke, a local historian who is also deceased.